The smallest owl in Britain. It has a broad rounded head and short tail, which gives it a dumpy appearance. Grey-brown, speckled with white above and it has dense, brown streaks on white beneath. Its bright yellow eyes with prominent white eyebrows give it a frowning expression.
The smallest owl in Britain. It has a broad rounded head and short tail, which gives it a dumpy appearance. Grey-brown, speckled with white above and it has dense, brown streaks on white beneath. Its bright yellow eyes with prominent white eyebrows give it a frowning expression.
Open country, farmland, with hedges, ruins, hayricks or other suitable nesting and hiding places. Often seen during the day perched on telegraph pole.
They feed mainly on insects (beetles, moths and spiders) and earthworms, but also small birds, amphibians and mammals, such as shrews.
The female lays from 3 to 5 eggs in May. Incubation is 22 to 29 days and the young leave the nest at 35 days and are flying well at 46 days.
Both birds give a loud mewing call, “kee-ew”; often during the day and especially during courtship (March-April).